Study Permit Applications

International Students in Canada

If you intend to study in Canada, you probably need a study permit. The following article explains what a study permit is, who needs to apply for one, and who is exempt from it.

Who Needs a Study Permit?

A foreign national who intends to study in Canada need a study permit if the training program duration is more than six months. If the program finishes in less than six months, there is no need to apply for a study permit. Some examples of programs that call for a study permit are the following (assuming the duration is more than six months):

  • A bachelor’s, master’s, or Ph.D. program at a University
  • A post-secondary certificate or diploma at a private or community college
  • Studying at an elementary or secondary school (at a private, boarding, or public school)

Which Programs are Exempt from a Study Permit?

If the program you are taking finishes under six months, you may not need a study permit. However, you may still need an eTA, a TRV, or a TRP to enter Canada. Some examples of such programs are the following:

  • A one-week crash course about a specific subject
  • A training seminar that lasts only a few days or a couple of weeks
  • Attending an English as a Second Language (ESL) course or a French training course, if the program is less than six months and is not part of a 6+ months diploma program
  • Taking a course that is a prerequisite to be able to get accepted to a post-secondary diploma or a university degree program (Please note that this specific course cannot be part of the diploma or degree and it is just the prerequisite)

What is the Difference Between a Study Permit and a Visa?

A study permit allows the holder to stay in Canada and study. Visa is to enter Canada. If you are coming from a Visa-exempt country, you may only need an eTA to enter Canada (US citizens do not even need an eTA). In this situation, you can apply for the study permit, and if the permit is approved, the immigration authorities will also issue you an eTA.

If you are from a country that you need a visa to enter Canada, you apply for a study permit, and if you get approved, the immigration authorities will also issue you a TRV. In both situations, when you reach the Canadian borders, you will receive a paper copy of the study permit. Remember that the study permit is not for re-entry. You may only enter Canada if you hold a valid eTA or TRV or TRP. As I mentioned earlier, US citizens are exempt from eTA or TRV, but some might need a TRP (because of inadmissibility to Canada).

For How Long is a Study Permit Valid?

An immigration officer usually issues the study permit for the duration of your studies. However, you need to continue your studies actively, or you will lose it. If your study permit is expiring soon and you have not completed your studies yet, you could apply for a new study permit.

Who May Study Without a Permit?

The following people may study in Canada without a permit.

  • The duration of the study program is less than six months
  • Certain employees of foreign governments and their accompanying family members
  • Minor children of parents who are in Canada with a valid work permit or study permit or if their parents are permanent resident or citizens of Canada
  • Certain members of armed forces who are working in Canada
  • Permanent residents and citizens of Canada
  • First Nations, Inuits, and Métis

If the course or program duration is less than six months, you may still apply for a study permit to be on the safe side.

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